How to Put the Chic into Shabby Chic

My Shabby Chic Beaded Ornament for My Framed Pincushion

This is how I made my shabby chic beaded ornament for my framed pincushion. It was super easy to make and super cute so this is how to put the chic into shabby chic.

Supplies Needed for Ornament:

Nymo Nylon thread

Beading Needles


Chiffon, lace or flower trims of some sort

Lace, eyelash trim, and any other trims you like



Variety of Beads

One beaded earring

To Begin:

Start by trimming the flower and gluing the center piece to the center of the flower.

Sew the laces and trims onto the back of the ornament. I like to sew the trim on the back and let it hang down so I can see how it will fall.  It’s nice to sew one piece of trim (end to end) together to form a loop, that way the ornament can hang onto the frame and be easily removed.

Sew longer beads onto the flower; like hair around the center piece.

Use a smaller bead to secure the long bead. Put the needle back through the long bead and secure on the back. Sew as many beads around the center as you like.

Next, I strung beads that I liked together; always keeping in mind the final length I wanted.   There were two strings made 6 inch  with all beads (one angel) and one that was about 3 inches in length with stars and such.  I sewed that one directly onto one of the trims.

The stars and beads on the smaller string really went well with the moon face.

An old beaded earring worked well right under the center piece and I just glued it onto the back of the centerpiece.

To make the earrings, I simply strung some silver bead together and formed a hoop to sew onto the ornament right were earnings would hang. Nice touch, don’t you think?

Finally, I strung some smaller beads and wrapped them around the bottom of a butterfly on a wire that I bought and pinned it onto the pin cushion frame.

My shabby chic beaded ornament was the perfect touch to my shabby chic framed pincushion.

To check out how I made my Shabby Chic Framed Pincushion check out:

Happy Creative Crafting

find more ideas on my Pinterest page = 


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1 thought on “How to Put the Chic into Shabby Chic”

  1. Brianna

    Thanks for the interesting and useful information.!

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